nlock Excel’s Power: Master “BuiltInDocumentProperties” in VBA for Seamless Automatio

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Understanding Excel VBA’s BuiltInDocumentProperties: A Comprehensive Guide

Excel VBA offers a wide array of functionalities that can help automate tasks and enhance the overall productivity of users. One such feature is the BuiltInDocumentProperties object, which allows developers to access and manipulate the built-in properties of an Excel document. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of BuiltInDocumentProperties, its usage, and provide practical examples to illustrate its capabilities. Whether you are a seasoned VBA developer or a beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to utilize this powerful feature effectively.

What is BuiltInDocumentProperties?

The BuiltInDocumentProperties object in Excel VBA is a collection that contains all the built-in properties associated with an Excel document. These properties include metadata about the document such as title, author, creation date, last modified date, and more. This information is automatically generated and maintained by Excel, and using VBA, developers can access and even modify these properties to suit their needs.

How to Use BuiltInDocumentProperties in Excel VBA

To access the BuiltInDocumentProperties of a workbook, you need to use the Workbook object. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Step 1: Open the VBA Editor

First, open Excel and press ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor. This is where you will write and execute your VBA code.

Step 2: Access the BuiltInDocumentProperties

In the VBA editor, you can access the BuiltInDocumentProperties by using the following syntax:

Dim prop As DocumentProperty
For Each prop In ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
    Debug.Print prop.Name, prop.Value
Next prop

This code snippet iterates over all the built-in document properties of the current workbook and prints their names and values in the Immediate Window.

Step 3: Modify a Built-In Property

To modify a built-in property, you can directly assign a new value to the property you want to change. Here is an example of how to change the title of the document:

ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title") = "New Document Title"

This line of code sets the title of the active workbook to “New Document Title”.

Practical Examples of Using BuiltInDocumentProperties

Example 1: Displaying Document Metadata

One practical use of BuiltInDocumentProperties is to create a summary of the document’s metadata. This can be useful for auditing or documentation purposes. Here’s a simple VBA macro that displays the document’s metadata in a message box:

Sub ShowDocumentMetadata()
    Dim docProps As DocumentProperties
    Dim prop As DocumentProperty
    Dim metadata As String

    Set docProps = ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties

    For Each prop In docProps
        metadata = metadata & prop.Name & ": " & prop.Value & vbCrLf
    Next prop

    MsgBox metadata, vbInformation, "Document Metadata"
End Sub

This macro loops through all the built-in properties and concatenates their names and values into a single string, which is then displayed in a message box.

Example 2: Automating Document Versioning

Another useful application of BuiltInDocumentProperties is automating document versioning by updating a custom property every time the document is saved. Here’s how you can do it:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim version As Integer
    version = ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Revision Number")
    ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Revision Number") = version + 1
End Sub

This code automatically increments the “Revision Number” property each time the workbook is saved. This way, you can keep track of how many times the document has been updated.

Advantages of Using BuiltInDocumentProperties

Utilizing BuiltInDocumentProperties in Excel VBA offers several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Automating the retrieval and modification of document properties can save time and reduce manual errors.
  • Consistency: Ensures that document metadata is consistently updated and managed across multiple documents.
  • Automation: Facilitates the implementation of automated workflows that depend on document metadata.


The BuiltInDocumentProperties object in Excel VBA is a powerful tool for accessing and managing document metadata. By understanding how to leverage this feature, developers can enhance their VBA projects, automate tasks, and maintain consistent document metadata. Whether you’re looking to automate metadata extraction or implement version control, BuiltInDocumentProperties provides the functionality needed to achieve these goals effectively.

For more information on Excel VBA and advanced techniques, consider visiting Microsoft’s official VBA documentation. Additionally, be sure to explore our other resources on Excel VBA tutorials for more insights and tips.

By integrating BuiltInDocumentProperties into your VBA projects, you can unlock new possibilities and streamline your workflow in Excel.


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